
You may sometimes feel powerless when you run an ecommerce store. Entrepreneurs who are successful in ecommerce focus on the factors they can control. They look at things they can influence. CTAs are a great example of this.

What makes a good call to action, how to write one, and where they are used will be covered in 10 minutes. After exploring 50 powerful calls to action phrases, we’ll discuss how to use them in your ecommerce funnel.

Let’s get started.

What is the purpose of a call to action? Where do they appear?

A call to action is persuasion, and it’s an essential element or message for inviting a customer to take a particular action. 

The action can be a variety of things – more information, a subscription, a purchase, or spreading the word. Depending on what activities you want the customer to take at a particular stage in their discovery journey, you may have different approaches.

The most common call to action phrase you’ll find is:

Is it possible to have buttons like this?

Are clickable links anchored in text or images?

Your sales funnel copy will be filled with calls to action, according to systeme.io. 

  • Your banner ads, social media posts, and SEO-focused blogs will contain CTAs at the top of your funnel. 
  • Your landing pages, pop-ups, and emails will be a part of your funnel in the middle.
  • You’ll find them in your product pages and retargeting campaigns at the bottom of your funnel.

Changing bland, generic call-to-action phrases for powerful, engaging ones will drive conversions across your marketing channels. This is how one can create a compelling CTA?

It is wise to look at a poor call-to-action phrase to see what makes it suitable. An example you have probably seen is:

There are two reasons why it’s terrible:

1. There’s no what: From the call to action Click Here, it is unclear what the customer needs to do. Okay, so they should click. How will it help them? What will they learn, how will they participate, and what will they own? That information is not provided by Click Here.

2. There’s no why: Giving your customers a reason to click on your call to action sentence is the key to a successful call to action. However, Click Here doesn’t seem persuasive.

Our example identifies two crucial elements of a solid call to action: informing (the what) and motivating (the why). However, we must add a third element: clarity. Combining all these principles yields MIC, a handy acronym to remember them all.

The M of MIC – Motivating: A CTA should motivate customers by explaining why doing something is worthwhile.

The I is for Informing: When choosing a call to action, customers should be aware of what will happen.

The C is for Concise: Make your call to action as clear and concise as possible.

We, therefore, know how to construct a persuasive call to action. It’s one thing to know what a CTA is, but quite another to write one. Now that your pencils are sharpened, you can begin writing again.

What is the most effective way to write a compelling call to action?

Your call to action should be informative, motivating, and precise. To ensure your CTAs meet these criteria, here’s a simple 3 step process to follow:

Define the action.

Learn what motivates – Be as thorough and thorough as you can – Let’s go over each step.

Step 1: Define the action

You should always know what you want your users to do after viewing your marketing content. Pura Vida Bracelets, for example, has an apparent goal in the CTA below – to gain subscribers for their SMS marketing campaign.

Throughout the customer journey, there are many possible actions you can suggest. As you can observe, the options are infinite. The questions mentioned below will help you to decide and form a decision:

How do you plan to achieve your business goals now? 

You may need to raise awareness if you’re just starting, or you can become more profitable by increasing awareness. Once you have subscribers, you will be more successful. 

What steps do customers take in your ecommerce funnel? 

This may depend on:

How much does your product cost? Purchasing high-value products typically require more consideration and time.

What percentage of your customers return? Most of your site visits will be from existing customers if you sell consumables or offer a subscription service. These visitors will act differently than new ones. You should also implement a “call us now” button so that existing customers can also get answers from real people instead of chatbots so that you can better understand their behaviour and address their complaints.

Feel free to look over these questions again if you get stuck. Using Google Analytics to create custom funnels is a great way to understand your funnel. 

 This type of funnel can help you figure out the actions your CTAs should focus on based on how customers move through your store.

Your call to action phrase should start with a verb (action word) that describes the action. Specificity is key. You can use the following terms:

You can personalise the action:

Book your demo – Let’s Sign up – Select a perfect plan

Step 2: understand what will motivate

A successful CTA phrase requires motivation. To make your CTAs more motivational, you can use a couple of straightforward strategies.

Urgency: Become a force of nature that makes your customers feel like they have to act immediately. If they hesitate, they will miss out, or it will cost them.

It helps to emphasise this in the CTA as Nearly Natural limits the discount to new subscribers for 30 minutes.

Scarcity: Make it seem like you’re running out of whatever you’re offering. This will create a sense of fear of missing out and exclusivity when they finally get your product. 

This web copy by Pura Vida Bracelets uses the phrase Everything Will Sell Out! To make its audience feel that stocks are limited and scarce, they should act now.

Creating these feelings with your CTAs is easy if you use these words and phrases:

When it comes to persuasion, urgency and scarcity are fundamental motives. Here are some more sophisticated steps:

  • Are you aware of the demographics of your customers?
  • How often do customers have questions or concerns?
  • What kind of feeling do you want your customers to have?

You can use these to improve the way your CTAs are written. 

When Teespring made a minor adjustment to the text for one CTA in their ecommerce store, conversions jumped 12.7%. (Read the complete case study on optimising CTAs). Their customer learning led them to make the change. They originally urged:

 Feedback and survey results showed some customers were concerned about the delivery of the custom tee shirts they ordered, so they changed the order form:

Using words such as “don’t worry,” the latter version creates a feeling of confidence and trust, and it converts better, too, since it relates directly to a concern.

The language used in these advertisements relates to how the customer feels, and emotions effectively create action in people. 

To give your CTAs an added emotional punch, here are three changes you can try:

Instead of buying, write save: Saving is an emotional sentiment that may appeal to risk-averse consumers. This can give you a sense of safety (that you have avoided overpaying) and intelligence (that you have found a good deal).

The word discovers the feeling of adventure, like a child learning something for the first time.

You might want to write uncover instead of access. While access means you have access to something, uncover implies that it must be hidden, or discovering it is an exciting proposition. 

Let’s look at Walt Disney to conclude this motivation section (we’re almost there!). 

 Isn’t that short text filled with action words that are sure to evoke emotions? It’s not only when you use words like stay, celebrate, or save that you’re telling customers what they should be doing; you’re also telling them what emotions and feelings they should expect. 

Step 3: Be clear and concise

You’ve determined the action you desire your customer to take and the emotion you wish to convey – now write a phrase that encompasses both of those elements. 

So the customer knows what to do, your call to action should be concise and clear.

There are several calls to action, but the most common are:

Buy Now!

Just six characters are needed to convey both information and motivation in this call to action:

Clicking the button will lead to precisely what we want. 

When we hear the word now, a sense of urgency motivates us. This can cause us to get excited and fear missing out.

This example shows that someone who wants to create a compelling call to action phrase doesn’t have to be creative. They only need to consider what action they want and how to motivate their customers to act.

The more creative you can get, the better. But make sure your idea is crystal clear to your customer. Follow the below steps:

1. An emotional or creative call to action phrase that emphasises a benefit for the user

2. a compelling call to action

3. Button with a very brief call to action

The Disney example perfectly exemplifies this structure we just studied.

50 Powerful call to action phrases

We’ve divided these texts into different actions you are going after in your ecommerce funnel. Here are some example texts:

  • Buying
  • Claiming a deal or discount
  • Subscribing or opting-in
  • Reading or watching content
  • Starting a trial

We provide examples of buttons and whole phrases for each type of call to action. We also summarise the reasons why it works.

E-stores are going to make big bucks this year.

You can do it too.


CTAs to get customers buying

The following text can be used for CTA buttons, especially on product pages.

1. Buy now 

The word now creates urgency while providing a simple, classic CTA to follow.

2. Complete my purchase

By including my name, we can make this button more personal. It also informs the buyer that this is the final step in the purchasing process.

3. Treat yourself today

The button, which has a much more emotional appeal, would be effective for luxury items or impulse purchases in which a little more encouragement is needed.

4. Grab it today

A CTA like this also creates a sense of urgency and impulse and would be effective for products and consumables with a lower cost purchase history or for customers who frequently return to the store.

5. Try out today

Unlike the previous CTA, this emphasises that you are trying rather than buying. If your return policies are liberal, this is a great CTA.

6. Get the look

Using a CTA like this for fashion stores is that it emphasises the benefits a customer will receive.

Before your CTA buttons on product pages, emails, retargeting messages, and pop-ups, you can use these phrases.

7. Buy now to avoid disappointment

You can avoid disappointment by avoiding risk-averse customers with this message – it has urgency.

8. Buy now and enjoy

This positive CTA emphasises the benefits of using a product and the positive experience users can expect from using it. Remember, emotions drive action.

9. Why wait? Give yourself a chance {user benefit} you deserve

Think of L’Oréal’s “Because I’m worth it” as a call to action phrase designed to increase action.

10. Choose the most suitable look for you

When using terms such as a purchase or buy, we emphasise choice and personalisation rather than commitment-heavy words.

11. Grab this offer today and boost your {user benefit}

The tone is informal, combining urgency and positive outcomes for brands selling low-cost products.

12. Get one today for yourself and see instant results

By adding “today” and “instantly,” the statement becomes urgent and exciting.

CTAs encourage customers to claim a discount or deal. Below are five CTA button text examples to promote sales or discounts.

13. Save big

Discounts are almost as relevant to some customer demographics as the product itself. This CTA phrase helps to create a significant discount.

14. Claim my exclusive offer

With words like “exclusive”, the text creates a feeling of exclusivity, making your customers feel special.

15. Get my discount

Here is a simple but effective way to add my name to an example. 

16. Claim free shipping now

You can use this CTA if you are offering free shipping. The urgency is enough to drive action.

17. Redeem my voucher

It’s not about making a purchase but getting a discount in this practical and informative CTA.

These five CTA phrases are perfect for sharing with your email list or using on social media when promoting your deals and discounts.

18. Enjoy massive savings while stocks last

Combined with the sense of scarcity that stocks won’t last forever, this phrase conveys the positive emotion of getting a good deal and a sense of discount.

19. Don’t miss out on our last minute, most significant discount.

We emphasise scarcity in our marketing. To create scarcity, we use words like “biggest ever.” We want social media followers and email list subscribers to feel like this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

20. Hurry. Fetch this limited-time offer before it’s gone.

CTA used to create a great deal combined with an urgent need to get it done by the customers. 

21. We are offering a one-time, massive discount. 

 Save big and Grab the advantage and offer today. This phrase establishes scarcity and urgency while highlighting the scale of the discount.

22. Get an incredible deal when you take advantage of this limited-time offer. A word like grab suggests impulsiveness, mirrored by the phrase “limited-time offer”.

This next set of CTAs will help you get customers to subscribe: The subsequent four texts can be used to create CTA buttons.

23. Sign me up

In my opinion, this CTA button is dynamic and personal because it is in my first person and not yours.

24. Subscribe now

Still, the word now creates a sense of urgency with this simple CTA.

25. I’m in

You can use this to sign up existing customers to additional lists or VIP groups, such as those on your email list. 

26. Join the action

Customers get excited when they hear this phrase. Social media copy like this Facebook ad by EToro uses a CTA like Join the Action.

You can use these longer CTA phrases in email or web copy to gain new subscribers.

27. Join the {brand name} community 

Instead of signing up for information, members of this group join a group of like-minded people.

28. Unlock exclusive benefits by subscribing 

The word unlocks a great choice because it suggests a sense of mystery and gamification.

29. Subscribe!! Be the first to know about new offers, products and discounts

Here, we emphasise speed, and this strategy works well for limited-edition products or flash sales.

30. Become a subscriber and Unlock VIP deals and discounts 

They are the perfect way to make your subscribers feel special when it comes to VIPs. A name such as VIP makes your subscribers feel like they’re a VIP.

31. Be part of our growing community

We focus on connecting with people who share our values and being part of a trend.

32. Sign up now to claim the ultimate discounts 

Customers will be encouraged to watch and read content with this simple phrase, which combines urgency with scarcity CTAs.

Your blogs and social media posts will convert better when using CTA buttons.

33. Find out more

Rather than the traditional learning more CTA, this is an improved version that doesn’t sound too academic and reminds people of school.

34. Discover more

A sense of adventure and exploration is conveyed here by the word discovery.

35. Get the latest updates

This CTA emphasises the benefit of staying current, which can be obtained by reading the content.

36. See for yourself

The content we’re offering here allows the customer to make their judgement about your product, making it an excellent choice for videos.

37. See it in action

Video is another great option if you want to understand how something works—ideal for tech products or innovations.

38. Download my ebook

With a touch of personalisation, a call-to-action clearly explains what will happen.

39. Get the lowdown

Learning more is boring, but this feels as though you’ll get an overview of everything that matters. Check out these CTA phrases to get your customers to click on your content.

40. Keeping up with the latest trends 

Read, watch, or listen to the content because you’ll benefit.

41. Get the [product name] that meets your needs by comparing the features and prices

It’s a great call to action for comparison pages because it empowers the customer to make the right choice.

42. Learn the secrets of success

You will feel like you provide an exclusive service to your customers if you emphasise secrets.

43. Be an expert!! Take just 2 minutes to see how it works

Additionally, in this simple CTA, an emphasis is placed on how little effort and time customers will have to commit to reading and to watch your content.

The best way to increase conversion rates on your free trial CTAs is by using these texts.

44. Start your free trial

It is a simple call to action that is nicely personalised, but it doesn’t feel urgent enough to discourage activity.

45. Try it now

Try it now!! The phrase is direct and well suited to more impulsive customers.

46. Join free for 1 month

This CTA is super informative, communicative and precise, with all the essential details included

47. Try out for free

This CTA emphasises zero commitment by the customer, and they are just trying it out, and it’s free. Try these types of call to action phrases to boost sign-ups for free trials.

48. Start a free trial with no condition

This phrase clearly emphasises that it can be great for risk-averse customers with no commitment needed.

49. See/ Book {product name} for yourself with our {limited time period} free trial

This CTA explains that you permit your customers to decide their own opinion about the product.

50. There is nothing to lose with our limited period free trial

A strong CTA stresses that your customers have a risk free problem on their part.

Phrases to encourage action: the takeaways

You are now equipped to begin improving your call-to-action phrases using this information. The 50 texts we gave you are even yours to use, and here’s what they are and how they’re written.

Keep in mind MIC – the 3 key qualities of a persuasive call-to-action:

  • Motivating
  • Informative
  • Concise

Whether you write your own or use those we have shared, you should do some A/B testing once you have written yours. Comparing the old and updated versions of key CTAs will enable you to decide which version is most effective. Testing is the only way to discover what works best for your specific audience.

After you have perfected your CTAs, you can fine-tune other components of your e-commerce copy.

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